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Lithuania: business, but not as usual [Sustainable Plastics feature]
Boasting a well-educated population, highly developed technological infrastructure, free economic zones and strategic location, it is no wonder that Lithuania has increasingly become an attractive location for industries ranging from fintech to plastics, writes the Sustainable Plastics magazine, formerly known as Plastics News Europe.
Over the past decade and a half, the plastics industry in Lithuania has experienced a period of stellar growth. As the country exports nearly three-quarters of all production, its plastics industry must also meet the strict European regulatory and societal challenges prevailing across Europe. This translates into broad R&D efforts in sustainable technology and the circular economy, with the country seeking to inspire a new generation of creators and innovators.(…)
The article also features quotes and comments from our community member Retal Industries, that owns NEO GROUP and Retal Baltic in Klaipeda, we well as from our CEO Eimantas Kiudulas.